Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I just took the Gardner and Gregorc learning styles tests and I think that they were completely wrong. For the Gardner test, it says that I am Logical-Mathematical (which I do agree with) and Interpersonal (which I don’t agree with). I think that I would be more on the Intrapersonal side. On the Gregorc test, I scored a solid 24 on concrete random, but don’t think that is like me at all. If I had to pick one to describe me, I would either be Concrete Sequential or Abstract Sequential, but none of them really describes me. I would have to take a few traits from each to truly explain who I am. Therefore, I don’t think I learned anything about myself, besides the fact that I don’t fit into any category. I am my own, unique person. I don’t feel that this knowledge will really help me in school. I feel that the way I am learning now is fine and the only thing that could make me learn more was if I started studying which I find really boring and I don’t plan on doing unless absolutely necessary. I think my favorite way of learning is to sit in a desk and read the material. I don’t need to build things, to move around, or take notes. I have an amazing memory so I sit down, read what I need to know, and then just remember it. All I think this test did for me in school is to make 20 minutes a little more entertaining.

                One person that I admire is my father, and I can almost guarantee that he was a Logical-Mathematical on the Gardner test and Abstract Sequential on the Gregorc test. I think this because he is a very serious person and tries to stick to the facts. I also admire my mother, and I am pretty confident she is Abstract Random, Intrapersonal, and Musical. I think this because she was a singer, dancer, and she played an instrument. She is a very creative person.  The last person that I admire is my grandpa, and I think he would be Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, and Abstract Sequential.  This is because he learns by actually doing it, not listening about it.

                In conclusion, I feel that these tests were a waste of time and did not teach me anything.
(i commented on alec's and aarif's blog)


  1. Nice job Nick! I felt the same way as you about the Gregorc test. I felt like it was a waste of time and that my results did not reflect my personality. Gregorc is weird-in a bad way.

    Anyways, I also love that you put family members as people you admire, unlike me, who put two people from different countries, and one that doesn't even exist. My post was still awesome though.

    I think that we had the same REAL results that a weirdo didn't think of like Gregorc. I too think that 'm kind of a combination of the categories.

    Nice job on your second post!

    'We've all go both light and dark inside of us-what matters is what side we choose to act on-that's who we really are.'
    JK Rowling

  2. I also am a concrete learner and I scored second highest in logical mathematical!!!!!! I got a 17 in the concrete random though!

  3. Nick you are amazing. I am also a Logical Mathematical and concrete random learner. That is the way to go. The other groups are just yukky but concrete random is the best!!!!

  4. Nick, I thought you did a very good job of explaining what kind of learning styles you have. In fact, I am also a logical mathematical learner. This means that we both enjoy asking a lot of questions. I sort of disagree with the fact that this was a waste of time; however, because I actually did find out some new learning styles that do occur in my life. You also did a very good job of explaining who you admire and what learning styles they may have.

  5. nice post nick i am also a logical-mathematical learner and i got concrete random as my highest too.

  6. Hi Nick, I'm sorry that you thought these tests were a waste of time. At least the Logical-Mathematical part was accurate. It's okay not to fit perfectly into any of these categories -- some people do, some people don't. I appreciate your honesty and you did a nice job making educated guesses about your family members' learning styles.
